5 of the Most Effective Holiday Stress Busters

You’ll Enjoy the Holidays More With These Tips for Letting Go of the Things That Stress You Out

Woman smiling, holding giftThe holidays can be a time of comfort and joy but they can also be a time of stress and frustration. Being able to enjoy all the season has to offer without succumbing to the headaches is often up to you. Even though you may be busier than usual and will come up against things that try your patience and increase your stress level, how you react to the pressure will be the difference between enjoying this special time and praying for it to be over quickly.

If you’re not willing to let stress ruin a perfectly good thing like the holidays, here are some of the best ways to relax and kick stress to the curb:

  1. Set priorities. The holidays should be a fun and joyful time of year. But if all you do is try to please everyone else, they can also be stressful. Take some time to think about what’s important to you and put effort into making those things happen. Then give yourself permission to let other things go. You’ll still have a wonderful holiday – and so will those you love – but you’ll get through the season being able to enjoy it more, making it that much sweeter.
  2. Get organized. Have a lot on your to-do list and feel like you’ll never get it done? The more organized you are, the less stressful your mounting list of tasks will likely be. Make lists, plan early and take advantage of ways to make things easier on yourself. Online shopping, wrapping everything at once and splitting up hosting duties may ease stress.
  3. Learn to say no. Just because you get invited to lots of parties, cookie exchanges and other gatherings doesn’t mean you have to say yes to every single one. Certainly attend the events you want to but don’t feel bad if you occasionally bow out of an invitation when you’re feeling overwhelmed or simply don’t have the time.
  4. Take care of yourself. While you’re busy getting everything together for the holidays, don’t forget to take care of your own needs. Get enough sleep. Eat healthy foods and stay hydrated. Find time for exercise. Take some time each day, even if it’s just a few minutes, to do something just for you, whether that’s reading, calling a friend or soaking in a tub.
  5. Create realistic expectations. When you’re striving for perfection, it can be hard to get through the holidays stress-free. Of course you want things to be nice, but sometimes you need to let things go. Stop trying to recreate the holidays of your childhood if your life is too busy to make that happen. Remind yourself of all the ways that your life is richer and fuller now, without having to make things so perfect. Also remember that everyone will appreciate what you do, even when you dial things back a bit. In the end, the holidays are about being with the people you love, sharing special moments and creating lasting memories. No one will even notice if you don’t have ten kinds of homemade cookies on the table!

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Date Last Reviewed: October 16, 2024

Editorial Review: Andrea Cohen, Editorial Director, Baldwin Publishing, Inc. Contact Editor

Medical Review: Perry Pitkow, MD

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