The Recovery Process After Surgery

Surgical recovery looks different for every patient. Here’s how to make the most of yours.

doctor with patient at discharge

Going through the process to have surgery, whether it is your first time, or if you have had surgery before, usually results in questions from the patient and the need for clear directives for a successful recovery. While recovery depends on the procedure and the patient, there are general commonalities that can help you to better understand what recovery might look like. Jenna Thompson, RN, BSN, CMSRN, Director of Nursing, Northern Nevada Medical Center, shares helpful information about making the smooth transition home.

What does the general recovery process look like?

Your care team wants to make sure you can return to the comfort of your home as quickly and as safely as possible. They will monitor post-surgery vitals, mobility and whether you need minimal assistance, treatments from occupational or physical therapy, if you can urinate without discomfort, and pain management.

The most important thing they are looking for is whether you are experiencing any complications from surgery and if you can return home with confidence in managing daily abilities.

Should my family members be included in my recovery process?

Yes, family members and caregivers should be involved to ensure appropriate information is received and understood. In addition, having friends and family visit you during recovery is great for morale and encouragement. You will receive both verbal and written instructions when discharged, and the family members/caregivers can help manage that information and at-home recovery.

What do I do if I have questions after discharge?

It is normal to have questions after receiving initial discharge information. You or your care team can clarify any information prior to leaving the hospital, but you will also receive contact information for your doctor’s office, as well as the hospital.

Learn more about surgical services at Northern Nevada Health System